
How To Persuade Someone To Get Counseling: Part 1

by | Oct 6, 2020 | Adult Counseling, All

How To Persuade Someone To Get Counseling: Part 1If you have a friend or family member who needs professional counseling and therapy, it may be difficult to convince the person to seek the help they need. A large portion of the patients we work with at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers are referred to us by schools, doctors, or other people concerned about their loved ones. When you see someone important in your life struggling to get through the day, it’s natural to want to help them. You just need to know the right way to approach the situation.

In this guide, we will go over how to convince someone to see a counselor so you can help your loved one get to a happier stage in life.

Find A Counseling Center Ahead Of Time

It helps to be fully prepared before confronting your loved one about getting counseling or therapy. The best place to start is to locate a counseling center near you that your friend will be comfortable in. You may refer to our guide titled Which Therapist Is Right For Me? for detailed tips on choosing a counselor or counseling center to attend, but the main goal is to locate a specialist with extensive experience in the type of therapy your friend needs.

For example, if you want to help your friend get over drug addiction, you will need to find a counseling center with substance abuse counselors and therapists. If you are a parent looking for bullying therapy for your child, you would need to seek out a center that offers child counseling and therapy. Make sure the center is well trusted in your community, and make sure you are fully aware of the charges that may come with the counseling session. As long as you have an exact idea of what your friend can expect from the experience, you can prepare your approach.

Schedule An Appointment With A Counselor

Once you have found a trustworthy counseling center for your loved one, consider scheduling an appointment for yourself. This will give you a chance to speak to a professional about how to approach your loved one, or how you can help that person get through this troubling time. You will not be able to set up an appointment for your friend, but you can reassure him or her that the counseling center is worth visiting because you already have a relationship with them.

Continue to Part 2

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!