
Temper Tantrum Or Parenting Concern? Interpreting Your Child’s Fits

by | Oct 7, 2020 | All, Children Counseling

Temper Tantrum Or Parenting Concern? Interpreting Your Child’s FitsTemper tantrums are common during a child’s toddler years, but they happen at any age. Even adults throw fits at times when they don’t get what they want. They just have a better way of controlling their emotions and reactions. Some temper tantrums are signs of underlying issues that need to be dealt with. Others are simply a child upset about not getting something. It’s up to you as the parent to determine which is which.

In this discussion, we will help you interpret your child’s fits so you can have a better understanding of what’s going on.

Sudden Changes In Mood Or Behavior

Is your child acting more irritable or demanding than he or she normally is? This may be due to hormonal changes that come with aging, but it could also be a sign of something else going on in the child’s life. For instance, if your son suddenly gets angry when you give him a hug in public, it may be because other children are picking on him at school. If your daughter gets mad that she cannot buy a certain outfit or phone accessory, it could also be the result of bullying.

There are a number of issues that can change a child’s mood and behavior unexpectedly – bullying, peer pressure, social media influences, fights with friends, stress about conflicts at home, etc. It’s not always easy to figure out what exactly is causing the change, but it is important to think about it. Try to determine the real reason why your child is behaving differently, and then do what you can to resolve the root of the problem.

Tantrums Of Entitlement

Some temper tantrums occur because a child thinks he or she is entitled to something you’re not giving out. For example, your child may throw a fit because you will not let him stay up past a certain hour on a school night. Tantrums of entitlement have become significantly more common over the last few decades because of influences in television and on the internet. Children see a show like Toddlers and Tiaras or Super Sweet 16 and they think they should have the same lavish lifestyle that those children are getting. Not only is that unreasonable, but it’s also unrealistic.

You can limit the amount of influence your child gets from these programs by setting controls for what he or she watches. If you use a program like Hulu or Netflix, you can set controls to only allow certain categories of shows to display. Be careful about YouTube videos because ones that may seem innocent could be riddled with foul language and poor behavior that you might not want your child exposed to. As with anything in parenting, your best bet is to monitor what your child is watching and doing as closely as possible so you can make adjustments accordingly.

Setting Rules And Expectations

You may be able to prevent or reduce the severity of your child’s temper tantrums by setting clear rules and expectations in your house. Children thrive in a structured environment where events occur on a consistent, predictable schedule. Schoolwork must be completed before playtime. Your child gets a small snack after coming home from school. Bedtime is the same every night. TV time is the same every night…You get the idea. This structure will make your child less likely to want the things he or she cannot have because you have already instilled guidelines to follow.

Working With a Child Counselor To Interpret Tantrums

If you are having trouble getting through to your child or you just can’t figure out the reasons for his or her behavior, a child counselor from Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Michigan would be more than happy to assist you. Our family counselors and child therapists specialize in various areas of mental health and behavioral development. We will pair you with the best counselor for your unique situation so you and your child can get the help you need. Learn valuable skills that will help your child grow into the successful, happy and healthy person you’ve always wanted him to be.

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