
Family Bonding After A Custody Hearing: Part 1

by | Oct 6, 2020 | All

Family Bonding After A Custody Hearing: Part 1Custody hearings are incredibly taxing for the parents, but they can be even more stressful for the children on the other side of the judgment. If you and your former partner are currently going through a custody hearing for your children, you need to ensure that your kids stay connected with their family members after a judgment is made. This may be difficult to do at first, but the tips below will help you make a smooth transition into joint or split custody.

Here are some tested and proven suggestions for maintaining family bonds after a custody hearing.

The Importance Of Family Bonding

Even though your family is no longer the same unit it used to be, you need to make sure the relationships stay as strong as possible. Many of the children who face emotional struggles later on in life do so because of broken family connects – not abuse or neglect. Your children need to feel that there is still love in your heart, even if there is a new setup for visitations.

Remember: It’s About The Children

It’s easy to get caught up in the emotions surrounding a custody battle, but at the end of the day, your children matter more than anything else. It is your job as a parent to make sure they have the best life possible, no matter how much you may dislike your ex. Put your differences aside for the happiness of your children, and do your best to keep them away from the tension. Children thrive when they have strong support systems to turn to. Do everything you can to create that for your family.

Find Different Ways To Connect With Your Children

There are many different ways you can go about keeping your children connected with their family members on both sides of the custody case. Examples include:

  • Phone Calls
  • Visitations (scheduled, and potentially supervised if necessary)
  • Family Outings (yes, even with your ex-husband or wife)
  • Emails
  • Video Conferences (Skype)
  • Text Messages (depending on the child’s age)

Whenever your children are in your care, give them the opportunity to talk to their family members as often as they want to. The goal here is to make it seem like nothing has changed in the family dynamic, even though you are no longer with your partner. Take every chance you get to let your children communicate with their other parents so they have a strong support system in life.

Continue to Part 2

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