Services Psychological Testing And Psychological Assessments

Psychological Testing and Assessment at Perspectives of Troy counseling centers is a tool used by the clinical staff to assist in making a diagnosis or other needed clarification of the specific needs of clients. Psychological Testing and Assessment is a very useful tool to bring insight and understanding to the forefront much more quickly than talk therapy alone. For those seeking or recommended this service from Perspectives Counseling Centers, it is made available and easily accessible.

A Psychological Assessment uses the psychometric tools and techniques of psychology to learn the specific or broader facts about a person. The information that is gained is frequently used to get a very clear picture of where a person is currently, at a given moment in time, and often used to predict their functioning level in the future. The latter information is, however, only an educated guess at its best.

Woman Holding a Beverage

What To Expect During Your Evaluation

A brief overview of what might be expected by a person seeking a psychological assessment is highlighted here: The assessment begins with an in-depth interview and it is either structured or unstructured in nature. The Clinician performing the psychological assessment is making behavior observations throughout. Some of the observations being made may include: how does the person respond to the interview? Are they open and free with their responses or closed and resistant? Are the persons being interviewed displaying a calm or anxious response to the interactions with the examining clinician? These are but a few of the intricate parts of the assessment.

Many psychometric tools are available to the clinician performing the Psychological Testing and Assessment. Achievement Tests, Objective or Subjective Personality Tests, Adaptive Functioning Tests, Intelligent Tests, are but a few of the instruments commonly used in attempting to help a person gain insight and understanding of themselves.

Full Range Of Testing

Psychological Testing is usually considered to be in a range of four areas: Those areas being Behavioral Assessment, Assessment of Intellectual Functioning, The Clinical Interview, and Personality Assessment. Less frequent but none the less important areas of Psychological Testing and Assessment might include: Career Planning, Vocational or Career Counseling, Identification of Leadership or Management Skills and Aptitude or Achievement Assessment.

If you believe that Psychological Testing and Assessment might be helpful to your better understanding of yourself, or a professional has recommended the service please feel free to contact our office, so we may assist in answering any questions you have.


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