
Early Signs Of Autism: MI Autism Treatment

by | Oct 7, 2020 | All, Autism Treatment

Early Signs Of Autism: MI Autism TreatmentAutism is a condition that affects 1 in 68 children in Michigan and throughout the United States. There is no cure for the disorder at this time, but children who are diagnosed early on receive the most benefits from autism treatment. A child’s developing brain has remarkable opportunities for recovery, especially before the age of two. Watch for these early signs of autism so you can get your child the treatment he or she needs as soon as possible.

When Will Autism Symptoms Develop?

Autism symptoms manifest at different points in a child’s life, depending on the severity of the disorder. It is difficult to truly identify signs of autism spectrum disorder before 24 months of age, but some symptoms show as early as 12-18 months. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor about any odd behavior you notice in case it’s an indication of an underlying issue, like autism.

Signs Of Autism In Infants And Toddlers

As a whole, you should watch for developmental delays or limited social interactions. For instance, your infant or child may avoid:

  • Making eye contact with people, even when being spoken to or fed
  • Playing with other children in daycare, at church, at school, etc.
  • Reaching out to be picked up
  • Crying or making noises for attention
  • Imitating speech and behaviors
  • Following an object put in front of his or her face
  • Waving goodbye or pointing at objects he or she wants
  • Speaking or babbling
  • Smiling, laughing, or expressing emotions

There are many other causes of developmental delays. Some children simply take longer to learn how to communicate their thoughts and needs. Nevertheless, airing on the side of caution will ensure that your child gets the right care as quickly as possible if autism is the root cause.

Signs Of Autism In Older Children

By the time your child is past the toddler stage, you will have probably already noticed some social difficulties, language delays, and other signs of autism. Because the autism spectrum is so vast though, you may not pick up on high-functioning autism until your child gets older. Here are some indicators to watch out for:

  • Difficulty paying attention when people talk
  • Not wanting to cuddle or be held
  • A consistent lack of interest in what’s going on
  • Not sharing accomplishments with others (colors a page in a coloring book but doesn’t show it to you)
  • Repeating words or phrases over and over
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Difficulty understanding other people’s body language
  • Repeating questions instead of answering them
  • Difficulty following simple directions
  • Taking everything you say at its most literal form
  • Difficulty adapting to changes in his or her life

If your child exhibits these symptoms or other signs of autism, talk to your doctor about psychological testing and treatment options. Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers are highly recommended by hospitals, doctors, schools and churches in Michigan because of our high success ratings with autism treatment, ADHD therapy, child counseling, and more. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your child.

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