
Should I Tell People I’m Seeing A Therapist? Novi Therapist Office

by | Oct 7, 2020 | Adult Counseling, All

Should I Tell People I’m Seeing A Therapist? Novi Therapist OfficeChoosing to see a therapist is the first step in recovery. Whether you’re struggling with addiction, depression, anxiety, or any other obstacle, you can benefit from professional counseling. At our therapist’s office in Novi, MI, one of the most common questions we hear is, “Should I tell people I’m seeing a therapist?” The answer is entirely dependent on your situation.

Here we will explore reasons you should or should not discuss your therapy with others.

Therapy Is Nothing to Be Ashamed of

First and foremost, we need to emphasize the importance of therapy. There is nothing wrong with going to therapy – there is nothing wrong with you. You chose to work with a therapist because you saw room for improvement in your life. Would you criticize someone for going back to school to improve their knowledge of a subject? Absolutely not. View therapy as an education to a better quality of life.

Most People Will Support Your Time in Therapy

For the most part, the people you consider “friends” will support you in your journey. Family members, spouses, and close friends may have noticed a change in your demeanor or activity level. In other words, they may already be aware of your struggles, even if they do not know the source of them. They will view therapy as a natural component of the healing process, and they will support your decision.

Some People Will NOT Support Therapy

We would love to say that everyone will support your therapy and recovery, but that simply is not true. If someone in your life is likely to derail your progress, it is probably best not to discuss your therapy with that person. For instance, if you are in therapy for alcoholism, a friend you commonly drink with might say, “Oh come on man. You’re not that bad.” Their perception of your addiction is entirely different than your own. You need to make the best decision for your life, regardless of outside influences.

Another factor to keep in mind is that some people do not support the idea of therapy altogether. They see therapy as a sign of weakness, rather than a path to self-improvement. Again, if you already know that a certain person in your life is not a fan of therapy, avoid discussing it with them. Continue to make improvements with your therapist, and that person can enjoy the aftermath.

Continue to Part 2

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