
What You Can Do To Improve Michigan Bullying Statistics

by | Oct 7, 2020 | All, Bullying, Children Counseling

What You Can Do To Improve Michigan Bullying StatisticsThe National Voices for Equality, Education, and Enlightenment say that a child is bullied every 7 minutes in America, and 85% of that bullying occurs with no intervention. Unfortunately, Michigan has one of the highest rates of bullying in the country, across multiple platforms. Whether you’re a parent, an educator, or just a person concerned for the children in this state, there are steps you can take to help improve Michigan bullying statistics. Follow the suggestions below to see how you can make a difference in a child’s life.

How Michigan Bullying Statistics Rank In The U.S.

According to a study from WalletHub, Michigan has the second-highest percentage of high school students bullied on school property and the fourth-highest rate of students bullied online. Despite the fact that we have anti-bullying laws and anti-bullying policies in Michigan, the state still ranks poorly for the country as a whole. Being aware of the problem is the first step in reversing it, but there is a lot of work left to be done. That’s why it’s important for Michigan residents of all ages to join together to stop bullying.

Understand The Different Types Of Bullying Children Face

It’s important to know that children in the modern world can be bullied in many different ways. Traditional teasing and physical harm still exist, but the digital era has opened the doors for cyberbullying as well. Text messages, emails, and social networks can all be portals for bullies to reach out to their victims. Extra steps must be taken to protect children from bullying on all levels.

Watch For Signs Of Bullying

One of the best ways to take action against this growing problem is to watch for signs of bullying in children that you interact with. Research indicates that 64% of bullied children do not report their struggles to anyone, making it all the more important for bystanders to notice the signs and respond to them as quickly as possible. Some of the most common signs of bullying include:

  • Unexplained Injuries (Or Injuries With Questionable Reasons Behind Them)
  • Faking Sick To Get Out Of School
  • Difficulties Falling Or Staying Asleep
  • Social Withdrawal Or Social Isolation
  • A Sudden Decline In Grades Or Classroom Participation
  • Attempts At Self-Harm Or Expressed Thoughts Of Suicide
  • Low Self-Esteem And Self- Confidence
  • Changes In Eating Habits
  • Destruction Of Personal Property

These are not the only bullying indicators that you may come across. As a whole, you should look for changes in behaviors or moods that are unexpected. Children will go through mood swings naturally, but if you notice that a child is acting completely differently than he or she used to, you may need to seek out bullying therapy.

Get Children The Help They Need

If you think that a child may be the victim of bullying, talk to his or her parents about the matter. If you are the child’s parents, speak with school administrators about what can be done to resolve the issue. In addition to that, you may enroll your child in bullying counseling. This will help your child rebuild his or her self-confidence and process the emotions that come after traumatic events. Your child will have a safe place to express his or her feelings and get feedback from a child therapist who specializes in these situations. Ultimately, your child will be put on the fast track to recovery so he or she can move to a better place in life.

Educate Your Children About Bullying

Talk to your children about bullying. Let them know what to look for and what to do if they are ever bullied. You should also teach your children not to bully others. Explain to them what it means to be empathetic, and ask them how they would feel if someone else hurt them. If your children have a solid foundation of morals and compassion, they will be less likely to hurt other children.

It’s also important for your children to recognize the signs of bullying, in case they ever notice an issue with another student. Kids are often the ones to notice bullying at the first signs because they will either see the acts in person or hear about them from their peers. Teach your children to report acts of bullying to their teachers, parents, principals, etc. so that other kids do not have to be hurt for too long. The sooner someone takes action, the less pain there will be.

For more information about bullying counseling, bullying therapy, or child counseling in Michigan, feel free to contact Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers at (248) 244-8644.

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