Services Adult Counseling And Therapy

Together Finding Solutions!

Counseling services are available to all adults who may be experiencing a wide range of difficulties including:

Counseling services are available to all adults who may be experiencing a wide range of difficulties including:

Anxiety, Fears, Domestic Violence, Abuse, Depression, Co-dependency, Grief/Loss, Relationship Issues, Divorce Prevention, Trauma, Coping, Anger, Bipolar, Self-Esteem, Eating Disorders, Self Injury, Psychological Evaluations

Life’s events can be quite unpredictable. In a very short period of time, we can move from smooth sailing to complete turmoil. For some, coping with the stressors of everyday life can be overwhelming. None of us are immune from experiencing crisis or trauma in our lives.

Furthermore, sometimes seemingly insignificant events can build up to the point of feeling unmanageable.

Adult Therapy

Most of us are not trained nor prepared to tackle the difficulties of life such as the death of a loved one, divorce, job loss, rejection, or family problems.

The caring staff of Perspectives Of Troy counseling centers is here to help.

You need not walk alone. Call (248) 244-8644

Therapist Taking Notes

What Is Adult Counseling?

There is no age limit for developing psychological or mental problems. Everyone from a young child to a senior person of 80 plus may be affected by issues. However, treating adult patients plagued with mental problems is often the most difficult. Most of them have had some experience with the world and will have formed their own ideas when they appear before a counselor for treatment. It is the responsibility of the counselor, therefore, to make them give up their fixed notions and learn to accept their problems first. The adult counselor thus has to deal with the mind, the spirit as well as the body of the patient via talk therapy, medication and supplementary coaching on health, nutrition and physical fitness. The ultimate aim of adult counseling is to convert the troubled adult into a whole person, healthy both physically and mentally.

Different Kinds Of Adults Counseling

The adult counseling sessions are not confined to one to one individual interaction though. The counselor often requests the presence of other family members in order to help them understand their responsibilities towards the patient. Group counseling along with other similarly afflicted patients is sometimes thought to be a good idea as well. In group counseling, the patient does not feel isolated and can take heart from the fact that there are other persons going through the same problems. Couples therapy is also a good way to address marital and relationship problems where both the partners need to understand the problems and work towards solving them together.=

Types Of Problems

Adult counseling does not address a single problem but tries to solve various problems that adults may face in their lifetime. Some of the most common issues that crop up in this field include:

  • Anxiety & Depression– The adult counselor helps the patient cope with it by reducing the associated guilt and shame coupled with stress by converting the negative thoughts into positive and proactive emotions.
  • Marital Troubles– The counselor tries to bring both the partners together by making them understand the cause of their troubles, address each other’s perspective, and solve the issues amicably if possible.
  • Anger And Stress Management– An adult learns to deal with excessive rage and ways to control anger effectively and positively. A person who is suffering from health disorders due to stress can also be counseled on making lifestyle changes that will help him or her to relax and remain happy without jeopardizing the health.

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!