
Grief Counseling Tips For Young Widows In Michigan

by | Oct 5, 2020 | All, Grief Counseling

Grief Counseling Tips For Young Widows In MichiganNo woman expects to lose her spouse in her 20’s or 30’s. That’s just too young to fall into the “widow” category. Nevertheless, this is a struggle that many women face in Michigan when their husbands pass unexpectedly. If you are a young widow trying to adjust to your new life, the tips below will help you through the grieving process.

There Is No Wrong Way To Grieve

You’re young which means that other people will consistently try to give you advice on how to grieve. “You should be doing this. He would have wanted you to do that.” That advice is valuable, but so are your natural instincts. The grieving process is different for every person, and you may experience a slew of emotions in a short period of time. Trust your gut and figure out which coping mechanism works best for your personality and lifestyle.

Working with a grief counselor could help you understand your thoughts, feelings and emotions. He or she will also identify your grief triggers as they arise so you can conquer or avoid them. At Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Michigan, we offer specialized grief counselor programs for widows and widowers. Contact our office to schedule a confidential appointment with a compassionate grief counselor near you.

Put Your Finances Into Perspective

Financial stress is one of the biggest obstacles widows face. This is especially true if your late husband was the primary breadwinner for the household. It’s important to put your finances into perspective to reduce your stress as much as possible. Know what your bills are when they are due, and what you can or cannot afford. If you have money left over from a life insurance policy, you may use that to pay major bills while you get on your feet. You can work with a financial advisor to figure out the best plan for your situation.

Immerse Yourself In Your Support System

Having friends and family around will make a world of difference as you grieve and rebuild. It’s nice to have time to yourself, but it’s also nice to have someone to talk to when you need it most. Whether you’re sad, angry, or looking back on a positive memory, you will enjoy having someone there to listen to you.

Some widows move in with their parents or siblings after their spouses pass. This living arrangement may not last long, but it’s a good place to start. At the very least, living with someone else may help you save money, which will reduce your stress as a whole.

Accept Help When You Need It

Some women go into self-preservation mode when their husbands pass away. They feel the need to handle everything on their own because that’s the only way they can take control of their lives. Don’t be afraid to accept help when you need it. This does not make you weak or vulnerable. It shows that you want to put your best foot forward. Something as simple as free babysitting while you search for jobs can make a big difference in the success of your transition.

Start Dating Only When You’re Ready

As part of the advice you receive, you may be told to “get out there and meet someone new.” Only you can decide when the right time is to start dating. Some widows begin dating within a few months of their husband’s passing because they want to feel that companionship again. Others spend years working on themselves before they feel comfortable enough to date. Don’t feel pressured to get into a new relationship right away. You will know when you’re ready

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