
Covenant Lovers Part 1

by | Oct 6, 2020 | All

Covenant Lovers Part 1God’s Plan for a Celebration of Sex

I have had the wonderful privilege of sitting under the teachings of both Dr. Douglas Roseau and Dr. Deborah Neel. Both these renowned authors have worked tirelessly compiling a workshop that addresses God’s plan for marital sexuality. They have named this workshop Covenant Lovers, God’s Plan for a Celebration of Sex. That’s right! I said “celebration of sex”! As a graduate of their training, I have been commissioned to carry out this message that God has had a plan in place for marital intimacy from the beginning of time. That plan has been distorted throughout history by a culture that embraces a one-dimensional sexual existence. God’s sexual economy promotes a three-dimensional intimate oneness. The challenge for most couples is that they simply do not know how to incorporate God’s plan for a celebration of sex into their relationship. I will be posting several blogs that will invite readers to explore various areas found in God’s plan for marital intimacy. Covenant Lovers workshops will also be offered at Perspectives of Troy Counseling Centers throughout the year for those couples who want to learn more about God’s Sexual Economy. Couples can call Perspectives of Troy Counseling Centers at 248 244-8644 for specific dates and times. This blog will continue with new topics weekly as we look at why we are called to be “Covenant Lovers”, and how we can experience the “mystery of oneness” that has been granted to us by our Creator. But first, in order to begin to understand God’s sexual economy, we must start by looking at what our role is as a Covenant Lover in our marriages.

What is a “Covenant Lover”? What distinguishes a covenant from a contract? We need to understand the difference between making a covenant with someone versus making a contract…especially as two come together in marriage. Gary Chapman, in his book Covenant Marriage; Building Communication and Intimacy, lists five distant contrasts between covenants and contracts.

  1. Covenants are initiated for the benefit of the other person. Contracts are initiated for the benefit of self.
  2. In covenant relationships, people make unconditional promises. Contracts are made based on filling a promise someone has made to you.
  3. Covenant relationships are based on steadfast love. Contracts are business deals.
  4. Covenant relationships are permanent relationships. Contracts have a beginning and an end.
  5. Covenant relationships require confrontation and forgiveness. Contracts that are broken end up battling it out in court.

(B&H Publishing Group. September 1, 2003)

God was never in the business of making “contracts” with those He loved, rather, He is a covenant-making God. He is not only a covenant-making God, He is a covenant-keeping God. Covenants are powerful and sacred and were designed to be used when two people came together in the union of marriage. As Covenant Lovers, we are called to reflect the image of our covenant-making God. Next week we will look at this calling in-depth and learn exactly how covenant lovemaking reflects the very character of our Creator!

Continue Reading To Part 2

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