
Top 10 Feel-Better New Year’s Resolutions: Part 2

by | Oct 6, 2020 | All, Self Esteem

Top 10 Feel-Better New Year’s Resolutions: Part 2This week, we’re finishing off our list of the top 10 feel-better New Year’s resolutions for 2015. Whether you’re fighting depression, coping with loss, or just looking to minimize your stress, this fun, and easy solutions will help you rebuild your smile from the ground up. Make sure to check out Part 1 of our list for even more helpful tips and tricks.

6 – Avoid Negative People In Your Life

If you have certain friends or family members that always seem to bring you down, avoid spending excessive amounts of time with them. The idea here is to surround yourself with positive people so you can keep a happy, upbeat attitude. You don’t have to completely distance yourself from others, but try to be selective in whom you spend the majority of your time.

7 – Make More Time For Yourself

Stress is one of the biggest factors in depression, and it is one that you can minimize just by taking some time off for yourself. If you’re overwhelmed at work, school, or home, find ways to get back your personal time. Take a vacation to a quiet cabin in the woods, or spend one full day sleeping and watching TV on the couch. Do whatever it takes to feel like you have properly pampered yourself.

8 – Identify The Positives In Your Life

The old “count your blessings” principle is more effective than you may realize. Rather than dwelling on how horrible you think your life is right now, look for positive things to focus on. Do you have a good job, a good house, a good family, etc.? Are you talented in something that most other people struggle with? Learn to appreciate the positive qualities in life, and you’ll be amazed by the results.

9 – Eat Healthier Foods, Not Just To Lose Weight

Eating healthy foods will give you energy. Energy will make you feel better and help you accomplish more in a day’s time. You may already be switching your diet around for another resolution, so this shouldn’t be difficult to do. Try to avoid fast food as much as possible. The grease alone in most of that is enough to make even the happiest person feel glum. Enjoy the delicious flavors of a crisp, fresh salad or the taste of a perfectly ripe apple. Don’t you feel better just thinking about it?

10 – Fulfill Your Other New Year’s Resolutions

Accomplishing a goal is a powerful way to make yourself feel better under any circumstances. If you have already set other New Year’s resolutions, do whatever it takes to make them happen. Want to lose 10 pounds in two months? Find a diet and exercise plan that works for you. Want to spend more time with your kids? Find creative projects you can do as a family. The more you commit to your resolutions, the better you will feel overall.

Revisit these New Year’s resolutions once a month throughout the entire year until they become a permanent part of your life. Your feel-better future starts right now!

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