
5 New Year’s Resolutions For Eating Disorder Recovery In Michigan

by | Oct 7, 2020 | All, Eating Disorder Treatment

5 New Year’s Resolutions For Eating Disorder Recovery In MichiganEating disorders affect at least 30 million Americans each year, not including the family members and friends who see the impact of the disorder. Whether you’ve already begun eating disorder treatment or you plan to start in the new year, there are steps you can take to improve your health right away. Listed below are five New Year’s resolutions to propel your eating disorder recovery in 2018.

Start Today, Not Tomorrow

This applies to any resolution you set for yourself. Do not limit your fresh start to a specific day or time. That will create a cycle of excuses that will ultimately prevent you from making any progress. If it’s already mid-January and you still haven’t started, no worries. Start NOW. The only way you can truly move forward is if you take your first step.

Set Measurable Goals For Yourself

We like to help our clients quantify their eating disorder treatment goals. Instead of a vague statement like “I want to improve my anorexia,” we ask that they create a measurable goal to achieve: “I want to eat one extra meal a day.” Those measurements will force you to hold yourself accountable, and they will help you see when you’ve made progress. Once you reach a goal, you can set a new one that leads to your long-term goal. Your eating disorder therapist will help you every step of the way.

Acknowledge Your Accomplishments

New Year’s resolutions often focus on flaws, but they should also tap into the positive side of life. This year, make it your goal to acknowledge your accomplishments and celebrate small achievements. Rather than looking at where you want to be, look at how far you’ve come. This will boost your self-esteem and give you the confidence to reach your next goals.

Improve Your Lifestyle, Not Your Weight

People with eating disorders typically focus on their weight. That is what sparks the eating disorder in the first place – the desire to be a different size or shape. When you set your New Year’s resolutions, think about lifestyle improvements for your eating disorder recovery. You may ignore scales and mirrors altogether for the first few months so you can devote your full attention to forming healthy habits. Consider your life as a whole, not just your physical form.

Build Your Support System

Having a strong support system will do wonders for your eating disorder recovery. Consider which friends and family members you can count on to during this journey, and distance yourself from toxic people who fuel your eating disorder. For example, if you have a friend who constantly puts you down for your appearance, that person will not help your eating disorder treatment. Turn to your counselor and people who want to support you and use their strength to ignite your own.

For more information about eating disorder recovery in Michigan, contact Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers.

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