PRO: Personalized Education
Children with anxiety may have different learning requirements than other students. The same can be said for children with ADHD, dyslexia, autism, and more. Online schooling allows each student to get a personalized curriculum that is tailored to his or her needs. If a certain subject sparks anxiety from stress, the student can take a long time on that work to reduce the anxiety symptoms. The class schedule is adjusted to fit the child, which may help a child with anxiety get better grades and feel more confident in school.
CON: A Lack Of Independence
Sometimes the lack of social interaction from online learning will cause a child to get extremely attached to the stay-at-home parent. Children who go to a traditional school learn independence from their time with other students. They may take on leadership roles in the classroom or find a club they excel in. This is hard to do at home. A boost of confidence may help a child with anxiety learn to overcome some of their fears and phobias.
If your child is enrolled in an anxiety counseling program like the ones we offer at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Michigan, you can learn how to encourage independence within the family. Find hobbies that your child likes to do on his own so you can establish healthy boundaries and relationship dynamics. The anxiety counselor will be there to help every step of the way.
PRO: Creative Learning Opportunities
Because of the personalization that comes with online learning, parents have a chance to find creative ways to educate their kids. They are not limited to the rigid structure of a classroom, so they can find what works best for their child’s learning abilities. With that said, it is important for children to learn in a traditional way so they can adapt to teaching methods as adults.
CON: Difficulty Finding Personal Interests
One of the great benefits of traditional schooling is that children have a chance to experiment with interests and activities. They can attend music class, art class, computer class, physical education, and more. They also have access to clubs within the school which may tap into an interest they haven’t discovered. That is difficult to replicate in a house. Working with a homeschool group as we mentioned in Part 1 of this guide will give your child more opportunities to find his or her true passions in life.
PRO: Reduced Performance Pressure
Online schooling still has the same general requirements as traditional schooling, but the pressure feels less intense. A child doesn’t have to constantly worry about getting better grades than his classmates or finishing a test on time. The process is much more carefree. There are still strict testing schedules that children must follow, but as a whole, most homeschooled children feel at ease with their curriculum.
CON: Self-Motivation
Self-motivation is a great trait to have. However, when it comes to online learning, a child is forced to constantly push himself or herself to do school work. At school, there is a thin veil of pressure over all the students to compete with their classmates to succeed. At home, the situation is much more relaxed. Older children in particular may become complacent with their “easy” schedule in an online school, which may hurt their productivity levels in the future. You, the parent, must strive to keep your child motivated in school so his or her academic performance does not suffer.
For more help with childhood anxiety, contact Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers today.