Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD Or ADHD)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affect a wide range of children in the United States. Approximately 11% of children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control. These numbers do not include children who go undiagnosed because their symptoms are neglected or misinterpreted.
ADD and ADHD can both lead to bad grades in school because children are unable to focus on their lessons and assignments. There are different types of attention deficit disorders that a child may be diagnosed with, as well as different levels of severity.
Signs of ADHD
- Child Becomes Easily Distracted
- Poor Listening Skills
- Restlessness Or Overactivity
- Disorganization
- Incomplete Work
- Impulsive Actions
- Easily Frustrated
- Short Attention Span
- Fidgeting, Squirming Or Difficulty Sitting Still
- Symptoms Of Depression And Anxiety
What You Can Do About It
Your child will need to complete psychological testing to determine if he does in fact have ADHD. This process usually involves an interview or consultation with the child, where a professional psychologist assesses the state of his mental health. If ADHD is the underlying issue, the counseling center can recommend different treatment options available to your child.
The type of ADHD treatment your child receives will depend on the type of disorder he has and the treatment options in your state (see this post for more information). At Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Michigan, we believe that every child has a unique set of needs that must be addressed in ADHD treatment. We will create a custom treatment plan for your child designed to help him overcome his condition and do better in school.
Anxiety And Depression
Children may not have the same day to day responsibilities as adults do, but that does not mean they cannot feel anxious or depressed about their current life. This may be the result of specific situations, like bullying or peer pressure, or it may come from a more general interpretation of life. Whatever the case may be, your child’s mental health can have a significant impact on his academic performance, and his anxiety may go unnoticed for quite some time before you seek proper treatment.
Signs Of Anxiety And Depression In Children
- Low Self-Esteem (Self-Loathing)
- Unprovoked Anger Or Irritability
- Expressing Thoughts Of Death Or Suicide
- Self-Seclusion (Staying Away From Friends Or Family Members)
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Strong Emotional Expressions About Specific Activities (Crying About Going To School, Throwing A Tantrum About A Recital – Or Other Uncharacteristic Behaviors)
- Mood Swings
- Changes In Eating Habits
- Poor Academic Performance