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What is Sand Tray Therapy?

What is Sand Tray Therapy?

By Diana Jennings, MS, LLP When you picture going to therapy, most people imagine “talk therapy”, sitting or lying on a couch, talking to a therapist who is seated across the room from them.  But imagine you enter your therapist’s office one day and they say, “Today...

Four things you can do to support your teen’s mental health

Four things you can do to support your teen’s mental health

Show your teenager love and care, while looking after yourself. Read the original article here. Whether you and your teen are getting along well or having challenges, it is important to show that you love and support them, that you can help them navigate tough times...

Social Media Could End Marriage As We Know It

Social Media Could End Marriage As We Know It

Chioma is having troubles with her mother-in-law. I know because she made it headline news on her social media page. She does not share her concerns with the other party in the nuptial contract or with a trained counsellor, but with aliens on social media who are...

Growth Mindset in a Period of Stress

Growth Mindset in a Period of Stress

Welcome to the final weeks of 2020. Let’s ponder for a moment about our expectations for the year when it started, back in January. Perhaps we had some ideas, some to-do list items, or even some “resolutions”. Now we are approaching a new year on our calendar, when...

Breaking Tradition During the Holiday Season

Breaking Tradition During the Holiday Season

For many families, breaking tradition during the holiday season is inevitable – and a matter of necessity over time. Take the example of Debbie Bourgois of St. Clair County in Michigan. Her husband and two children spent holidays with her husband’s family for many...

Parenting Guidelines: Supporting A Child After Teen Dating Violence

Parenting Guidelines: Supporting A Child After Teen Dating Violence

Dating violence can begin at an age that is early. You need to be mindful of the signs of teen dating violence, should they present themselves if you have a teen who has started to date. While certainly not in a position to avoid physical violence completely, you can...

Tips for Maintaining a School Night Routine

Tips for Maintaining a School Night Routine

In the first part of this guide, we discussed how to create a school night routine. Now we are going to focus on maintaining that routine and making it a consistent habit. Your children may be resistant at first, but they will ultimately feel better and perform better...

Setting a School Night Routine | Family Counseling in Michigan

Setting a School Night Routine | Family Counseling in Michigan

Now that the school season has started, it’s time to get everyone on a routine. You may have spent the summers staying up late and sleeping in as a family, but the school year requires a bit more structure. Here are some tips for setting a school night routine,...

How Parents Can Prevent Teen Suicide | Suicide Prevention Michigan

How Parents Can Prevent Teen Suicide | Suicide Prevention Michigan

Suicide is the second most common cause of death among teenagers and young adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Nearly 18% of teenagers have seriously considered taking their own lives, and 8.6% have attempted to at least once. In an era of physical...

Anger Management Tips For Parents: MI Teen Counseling

Anger Management Tips For Parents: MI Teen Counseling

Every stage of parenting comes with its own challenges. From the terrible twos to preteen drama, you’re in for a rollercoaster ride. Perhaps the most frustrating stage of all is the teenage years because your child is old enough and smart enough to argue on a whole...

Transitioning From High School to College - Teen Group
Join us beginning July 18 for a 6-week in-person group for teens focusing on providing them the necessary tools to succeed in college. Thursday afternoons from 2:00-3:00pm.