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Healing Through Forgiveness (Part 4)

Healing Through Forgiveness (Part 4)

Read Part 3 What about forgiving yourself? Self-forgiveness is necessary but can often be an extremely difficult action. Sometimes forgiving yourself can be more difficult than forgiving someone else for their offense. Maybe you can forgive someone else for a heinous...

Healing Through Forgiveness (Part 3)

Healing Through Forgiveness (Part 3)

Read Part 2 What is forgiveness and what is it not? Most of us assume that if we forgive our offenders, they are let off the hook, while we unfairly suffer from their actions. While God commands us to forgive others, he never told us to keep trusting those who violate...

Healing Through Forgiveness (Part 2)

Healing Through Forgiveness (Part 2)

Read Part 1 Forgiveness: Forgiveness is the intentional, voluntary decision to no longer allow the offense of another person toward you to dwell in your mind, heart, or spirit. What can happen to our bodies when we hold onto an offense toward us? Negative thoughts...

Healing through Forgiveness (Part 1)

Healing through Forgiveness (Part 1)

What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is the intentional, voluntary decision to no longer allow the offense of another person toward you to dwell in your mind, heart or spirit. Forgiveness is the act of understanding Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV): For we wrestle...

Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

During the Thanksgiving season, we often focus on what we are grateful for and what God has done for us this year thus far. This is a great mental exercise to help us focus on the goodness of God rather than on our problems or the problems of the world. Do you...

When Our Faith is Tested

When Our Faith is Tested

If you have ever traveled to the coast, you probably noticed an unfamiliar sight: lighthouses. We are not used to seeing them inland, but in coastal towns there are many. They were used most often as a signal to ships that they were close to land, particularly during...

Intimacy (Into-Me-See)

Intimacy (Into-Me-See)

I often ask couples who come in for marital counseling to give me another word for “intimacy”. Husbands typically answer “sex” while wives use words like “romance”, “candlelight dinner”, “just the two of us spending the day together”. I usually smile at the responses...

Transitioning From High School to College - Teen Group
Join us beginning July 18 for a 6-week in-person group for teens focusing on providing them the necessary tools to succeed in college. Thursday afternoons from 2:00-3:00pm.