Learn More about OurProfessional Marriage Counseling In Clinton Township, MI

Every marriage faces its own set of struggles. Whether you are dealing with communication barriers, financial stress, infidelity, or family conflicts, the professional marriage counselors here at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Macomb County are here to help you work through those obstacles. When you contact our office at (248) 244-8644, we will match you with a marriage counselor or therapist who specializes in your specific needs as a couple. It does not matter how long you have been married or what kinds of issues you are going through. We have the expertise and solutions you need to get to a better place in your marriage.

Couple Hugging Each Other

Improve Your Marriage And Rebuild Your Relationship Through Confidential Marriage Counseling

In each stage of your relationship, you will face new challenges you have to overcome. That is why we offer a number of different marriage counseling programs, designed to accommodate families of all varieties. We have more than 30 counselors and therapists working in our counseling centers in Sterling Heights, MI, and all of them specialize in a certain area of therapy and relationship development. Explore a wide range of marriage counseling services, including:

  • Family Counseling To Help You And Your Children Overcome Difficult Situations Together
  • Premarital Counseling For Couples Preparing For Married Life
  • Couples Counseling, Including Financial Stress Counseling And Infidelity Counseling
  • Domestic Violence Counseling For Victims Of Spousal Abuse And Those Who Struggle With Anger Management
  • Relationship Addiction Therapy, Designed To Build Healthy Boundaries In Your Relationship
  • Divorce Prevention To Help You Get You Through The Most Difficult Times In Your Marriage
  • Christian Counseling For Couples Wishing To Build Their Bond Through Faith

Learn Valuable Communication Skills To Strengthen Your Connection With Your Spouse

One of the most common reasons for divorce in America is “too much arguing,” much of which stems from a lack of proper communication. Even if you know how to communicate well with others, you and your spouse may not know how to successfully communicate with one another. With the help of a marriage counselor, you can speak out in an unbiased setting and gain a deeper understanding of how your spouse truly feels. Together, you can work to open the lines of communication moving forward so you can work through your problems and get to a happier place in your relationship.


Transitioning From High School to College - Teen Group
Join us beginning July 18 for a 6-week in-person group for teens focusing on providing them the necessary tools to succeed in college. Thursday afternoons from 2:00-3:00pm.